So For Lent 40 days Starting from Ash Wednesday, its christian tradition

to give up [fast] something for the period, in the old days it was Normally Meat
but coming to the modern times and ages people give up what they choose

Lent shouldn't always be boxed in as a religious thing, I'm religious, but I look at it more
as a self test of integrity and strength, these days we are so warped into so many things
technology t.v. internet, smoking, and loads of shit [cursing] so for forty days prove to yourself
that your not a noob or a damn pawn and not a freaking zombie.

whether you believe it or not all things are temporary so having all these weak material things control you is pretty pathetic. so thats why I chose to observe lent, and even if you're not religious its not too bad to say hey lemme test myself lemme give up bunnin weed, playing games every day or even facebook. and when these things are gone and we see ourselves breaking we realise how weak we are and how unhealthy a lot of this shit is.

so take time an have an epiphany you get me?

P.S. Giving Up My favourite artiste: Aidonia, Soda, and... lol Jeeerkeeeennnn!

Yannick "TheTherapist" Reid